
The Most Common Childhood Sports Injuries and How to Treat Them

Despite wishes and fears, there’s no way any parent can be there to protect their children 24/7. One of the most common reminders of this fact comes in the form of the sports field, where many children often receive their first serious injury, even while their parents are right there watching their every move.

Unfortunately, you can’t necessarily prevent a sports injury from happening. However, there are several things you can do for your child in the event they’re injured during a soccer or little league game to help them feel better and recover more easily. In addition, we will go over some of the injuries you’re most likely to see during these activities.

Strained Muscles

Your child could be at an increased risk of straining a muscle depending on the sport they play. Strains most commonly come from certain muscles being used too often or in unhealthy ways. Sometimes a strain comes from a mixture of both of these causes. Regardless of the cause, muscle strains are some of the most frequently experienced injuries for athletically inclined children across the country.

Take into account the sport your child plays and what position they’re in. Think about how frequently they play their sport of choice. If practice and official games take place often throughout the year, you may want to pay special attention to how they use their muscles. Do they favor any particular style of play and does this involve one part of the body more than others? If so, you’ll want to invest in a change of routine and consistent medical attention to help preserve their muscles. If there’s any sign of injury, such as soreness and/or an inability to comfortably use those muscles, implement R.I.C.E. immediately.


Concussions are also typical among younger athletes, especially those who play contact sports. While this fact is scary to hear, the better news is the symptoms of a concussion are heavily noticeable, meaning you can get your child medical help quickly once you notice something is wrong. If you suspect your child has a concussion, you should look for signs, such as memory impairment, headaches, loss of feeling anywhere in the body, general disorientation and much more.

If you notice any of these signs, don’t dawdle! Get your child to an emergency room or other medical facility as soon as possible. Concussions should never be taken lightly! It is likely your child will have to spend some time in the hospital for treatment of the concussion. Afterward, it will be up to you to help your child stay comfortable for the remainder of their recovery time. Watch over them and make sure they don’t strain themselves in any way. The average concussion takes at least several days to improve so it will be a while before they can return to the field.

While seeing your child get injured is a terrifying thing to witness, you can easily help them recover and transition back to their regular lives. To learn how else you can nurture your family in any situation, visit our blog!

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Written by Director

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